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  • Writer's pictureJenna Harman

We can never die

Hello beloveds and welcome to this post.

Thank you for taking the time out of your busy day to share your time with me in this time and Space. We are all Soul! We are vast Multidimensional beings. We are Energy and once created cannot die. My mentor used to say "We cannot die for the life of us"

We are birthed to Earth the ultimate sound stage or classroom. We pre select our circumstances, we make agreements with our soul family to play our parts in this version of the Souls saga so to speak. We sre born to start our Journey. Now some of us can be a little zealous and go blasting out of the gates in the beginning. Treating this more of race. Some of us take a slower pace meeting the world for what we perceive to be the Marathon/ journey it is. We all come here to learn. We have connections to all around us but literally this journey wether you see it as the Marathon or the race is a solo event. It is your journey, Marathon or race. Its about your growth and expansion. Its about Soul growth. Soul growth comes with each lifetime. Think of it as your Soul has within it the ultimate compilation of wisdom that YOU have learnt through tens, hundreds or even thousands of lifetimes.

We will be all things. We will be the theif and the victim of that crime, we will be the murdered and the Murderer. We will go on and play all parts to become all knowing and all evolved through our experiences here.

Some of us can recall different lifetimes. Children seem to be very comfortable with such topics and can speak about it so matter of factly. Its amazing and it intrigues me.

We live in a very magical, mysterious and wonderful world. We all have our special place, role or character to play in the ultimate movie.. what kind of character you play is completely up to you.

Much love Jenna Harman Psychic Medium x

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